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If you have never tried a tandem, try mine. I guarantee the first time you ride a tandem you will break into a broad smile. It is not difficult to ride a bicycle made for two. Moving off for the first time will be chaotic, but once underway things get easier.
Modern tandems are designed with long frames allowing both riders comfortable riding positions.
Generally speaking tandems travel faster for less effort than single bikes on level ground. Hills are more complicated, fortunately most tandems are fitted with the type of derailleur seen on mountain bikes. Even so hill climbing can be harder as it is not all easy to stand on the pedals as riders do on single bikes.
Tandem riders quickly learn to talk to one another! A few sudden gear changes made without warning from the Pilot (Front) to the Stoker (Rear) will soon highlight the need for communication. It does not take long to learn to operate as a team and settle to a natural rhythm.
I keep a range of frame sizes in my fleet, including a 'childback' which enables a small child to ride safely with an adult and make a real contribution to the ride.
Tandems are not well suited to serious off road stuff. Single bikes are a much better choice
Not everybody rides in even numbers. As I have written above, single bikes are better than tandems off road. I have a range of bikes and frame sizes for on and off road use.